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Bitcoin Mining

There is a lot of speculation if it’s still possible to make money mining bitcoins.  As the block chains increase in difficulty, it takes more hashing power to solve the complex algorithms thus making it take longer to be rewarded.

However, there are more and more cloud hashing companies starting everyday which makes a person wonder why.  Would they still be creating big mining farms if it was no longer profitable?  About 30% of all the available bitcoins have already been mined thus leaving approximately 70% still up for grabs.

If you are interested in learning how to make money mining bitcoin, you should definitely do your research into one of the cloud mining operations as they pool all their computing resources, and rent out hashing power for any newbies wanting to take a crack at it.

Home computers no longer have anywhere near the power needed to successfully unlock the digital coins so these major companies offer a great solution!

Make Money With Bitcoin

Also be sure to check out companies such as CloudHashing.com and websites such as BitCoin.it
